a Crossroads Financial Group Company
LTC Plans
We feature Life/LTC linked benefit, hybrid plans from A+(Superior) rated carriers. Linked benefit, hybrid Life/LTC plans have tremendous advantage over stand-alone LTC plans. With linked benefit plans, hybrid plans either the policy owner or the beneficiary will receive (1) leveraged LTC benefits, (2) a higher, leveraged death benefit amount, or (3) a guaranteed surrender value. That's not true with many stand-alone LTC plans into which a policy owner can pay a lot of premiums, and unless LTC benefits are paid out, never receive anything in return.​ Our products feature:
Rates and benefits guaranteed, locked-in from day-one.
We can put two lives (spouses or partners) on the same policy.
Return of Premium options are available.
Premium payment options from single pay, to short pay, to ongoing level pay are available.
Benefits period options from 25 months to unlimited/lifetime.
Use the following to help educate your clients:
Use this consumer video from Lincoln Financial to help get the LTC conversation started
Use the Cost of Care map to personalize LTC expenses with your clients: Use sponsor code "lincoln"
Share The Four Myths of LTC with your clients
A consumer brainshark from OneAmerica entitled, "What Are The Odds"
Request A Quote - we'll see which carrier and product is the best for your client